Our supply chain combines respect for the environment with state-of-the-art technology to help improve product efficiency, quality and traceability. Among the various technological innovations we use to better manage our resources and ensure the preservation of the natural balance there are sensors located in the fields and irrigation systems, GPS, drones, weather controllers that control and optimize every process.
Naturello is a family business where every identity has its place. To this end, we have decided to draw up a code of ethics that defines the rules of behaviour to be followed in order to respect the company's values, the cardinal principles of our daily actions and fundamental elements for every strategic choice. An important tool that ensures respect for equal opportunities as well as for minorities of age, gender and ethnicity.
Cultivating the earth is a privilege and a responsibility: with our choices we want to actively participate in the transition towards a sustainable development model. For this reason, we have drawn up our Strategic Sustainability Plan and published our first Sustainability Report, instruments with which we define our commitments and goals to integrate sustainability into our daily business operations.
The quality of our products is guaranteed and certified. We are oriented towards the pursuit of excellence, through continuous improvement of production processes with the aim of the highest level of quality and strict control over safety. We have obtained various certifications that demonstrate our compliance with internationally recognied food standards and our commitment to safeguarding consumer health.